What do Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley and Nelson Mandela have in common?

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What do Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison and  Nelson Mandela all and have in common? Even though they lived at different times, in different countries and came from different cultures, these people all changed our world. Significantly. Permanently. Unquestionably. Think about it. Without them we would may not have electric lights, space travel, peaceful protests, iPhones and iPads, Rock and Roll music and equal rights for all races. Without these changes life would be very different and much less interesting. Change is everywhere and affects everyone.

Hello and WELCOME TO MY BLOG! I thought I would start this whole thing with a “taste” of the type of writing I will presenting here. This blog is something I just wanted to start to express to any eager readers, my love for writing, reading, and poetry of all sorts. Recently in my life, a very dramatic situation occurred to someone extremely close to me. I’m not sure I feel comfortable discussing this topic yet (just be patient, I will go into detail later), but because of this I have decided, “change” is an extremely relevant topic that I am going to focus exclusively on.  Here goes! …

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Change is something that is happening all around us everyday. Change can be positive or negative, and can affect one person, one family, a community, a country or even the whole world. Change can be quick or slow, minimal or dramatic, productive or destructive, physical or spiritual. Change can be unexpected, surprising, expected or desired.   It can be delightful or even scary. Many people avoid change as much as possible, other people seek it constantly. One thing is certain however in this uncertain world is that change will occur to everyone, but it may not be wanted or even appreciated, but it WILL happen. Things such as moving schools or death of my grandparents are two examples in my life that have really affected me personally but others, such as changing my dinner order or purchasing new clothes I don’t even acknowledge.

Despite the effect on us, change is ever-present and no matter how hard we try to slow it down, maybe just so that we can finish that last school assessment in time, or maybe even for more significant reasons, we cannot halt time and change as it is inevitable and out of an individuals control, our perspective on life can change over time (particularly from dramatic age differences like childhood and adulthood) and change is unpredictable and occurs when we least expect it. These three thesis statements are what I would like to focus on in my next three entries.

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Thanks for reading! I will post again tomorrow. Maybe think about what you would like to change in your life and post below in the comments.  I have added an image to help you 🙂

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Post soon Xx

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